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Image editing techniques


All illustrative images in the tutorials below, are in the process of being enlarged. Please bare with us.

Please check this section each month for updates.​

In the following months, I will be uploading the editing processes I go through to get my images published. This will be fully illustrated visually with diagrams. So that you will be able to follow every step I take in my editing process. I will also be adding fifteen of the best Glamour editing procedures I have used at Glamour-photography. The editing procedures for my Glamour tutorials will have full lighting diagrams and camera settings used to fully illustrate how I achieved the results I did. Together with the editing processes involved. I will also be showing casing behind the scene footage to illustrate the positioning of the camera to subject/model distance, lighting positions and settings. To fully understand what is required to achieve fantastic results. I will also illustrate the equipment used, settings and standard requirements for editing Glamour, erotic, Fine Art and Adult images.

The following Glamour-photography tutorials will illustrate how to create:  A Polaroid, Hand painted oil painting, Instagram, retro, Black & White, Solarise, Vintage, Watercolour and a Daguerreotype type image. Loads more each month.  


Due to the adult / Glamour nature of some of these tutorials. A member login password will be required. Please register to gain full access to all the tutorials.

  1)  How create an action.                                 2)  How to create a Contact Sheet.                3)  Colour to Black & White conversion.

       Click here: Action                                                 Click here: Contact sheet                                Click here: Black&White conversion


  4)  How to create a Vintage analogue.         5)  How to create a Vintage image.                6)  How to correct the colour balance                      Click here: Vintage analogue                          Click here: Vintage                                                in image.  Click here: Colour balance 


  7)  How to create a water colour image.     8)  The Photo Filter effect.                                9)   The Solarisation effect. (Sabattier                         portrait. Click here: Water colour                 Click here: Photo filter                                       effect)   Click here: Sabattier


10)  How to create the Pencil sketch.          11)  Hand oil painting affect.                            12)  How to correct the mid tones in your               Click here: Pencil sketch                                     Click here: Hand oil painting                            Images. Click here:  Mid tone


13)  How to correct the digital-noise in       14)  How to create the Instagram effect.     15)  How to create the stylised effect. 

       your images.  Click here: Digital noise         Click here: Instagram effect                            Click here: Stylised effect


16)  How to create intense black-and          17)  How to create the retro 1 effect.            18)  How to create retro-light-leaks. 

       -white image. Click here:  B&W                      Click here: Retro 1 effect                                  Click here: Retro light leaks


19)  How to create the cross processing.    20)  How to create the lomo effect.               21)  How to create the nashville effect.

        Click here:  Cross processing                         effect. Click here: Lomo effect                        Click here: Nashville effect


22)  How to create a smart-object.               23)  How to create a Polaroid Image.            24)  How to create a Polaroid.

        Click here: Smart-object                                  Click here: Retro 2 effect                                 Click here: Polaroid




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